#ק ירון שהרבני

א (אָלֶף) The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
אָב (c. אֲבִי; su. אָבִי אֲבִיכֶם; pl. אָבוֹת) m. father, progenitor, ancestor, originator, head, chief; חוֹרֵג – stepfather.

אֵב (su. אִבּי; pl. אִבִּים) m. freshness, greeness, strength.

אַבָּא m. papa, father.

אבֹד (אָבַד, יֹאבַד) intr. to stray, be lost, be ruined, perish; הֵאָבֵד nif. to disappear, be lost; אַבּד pi. to destroy, annihilate squander; אַבֵּד עַצְמוֹ לָדַעַת to commit suicide; הַאֲבֵד hif. to destroy, annihilate.

אֲבֵדָה f. loss, something lost.

אֲבַדּוֹן m. extermination, destruction, hell, the grave.

אַבְדָּן and אָבְדָּן m. ruin, loss, extermination.

אָבֹה (אָבָה, יֹאבָה) intr. to be willing, be desirous.

אִבּוּד m. loss.

אֲבוֹי interj. alas.

אֵבוּס m. manger, corncrib.

אָבוּס (pl. אֲבוֹסִים; f. אֲבוּסָה) a. fatted.

אֲבוּקָה f. torch.

אֲבַטִיחַ m. melon; צָהֹב – musk-melon, cantaloup.

אָבִיב (su. אֲבִיבִי) m. spring, grain in the ear; – חֹדֶש הָ the month of Nissan.

אֶבְיוֹן m. needy, poor ot destitute person.