#ק ירון ×©×”×¨×‘× ×™ ×ֵיפֹה adv. where? ×Öµ×™×¤×•Ö¹× conj. then. ×ִיָּר m. Jyar (name of month, second to Nissan). ×Ö´×™×©× (pl. ×ִיש×Ö´×™× & ×Ö²× Ö¸×©×Ö´×™×) m. man, person, husband, inhabitant; רֵעֵהוּ ... – or ×ָחִיו ... – one another. ×ִיש×וֹן m. pupil (of eye), midst, darkness. ×ִיש×וּת f. marital relation. ×ִיש×Ö´×™ a. manly, private, personal. ×ִיש×ִיּוּת f. personality, manliness. ×ֵיתָן a. mighty, inexhaustible; – m. strength, might; יֶרַח ×”Ö¸×Öµ×™×ªÖ¸× Ö´×™× month of Tishrey. ×ַךְ adv. but, only, truly, indeed, yet, just now. ×ַכֵּד pi. to certify, declare. ×ִכּוּל m. consumption, burning up, itching. ×ַכזָב m. failing brook, deception. ×ַכְזַר m. cruel person; הִתְ×ַכְזֵר hith. to act cruelly. ×ַכְזָרִי a. cruel. ×ַכְזְרִיּוּת f. cruelty. ×ֲכִילַה f. eating. ×ָכֹל (×ָכַל, ×™Ö¹×כַל) tr. to eat, burn; ×”Öµ×ָכֵל nif. to be eaten, be consumed. ×ַכֵּל pi. to burn, consume; ×ֻכֹּל pi. to be burnt, be consumed.; ×”Ö·×ֲכל hif. to feed; הִת×ַכֵּל hith. to consume itself. ×ֹכֶל (poet. ×ָכלָה; su. ×ָכְלִי) m. food, eating. ×ַכְלָן m. eater. ×ֻכְלוֹס (pl. ×ֻכְלוֹסִין) m. crowd, people, army. ×ָכֵן adv. indeed, truly, surely, but. ×ַכְסַדְרָה f. hallway, porch, vestibule. ×ַכסֵן pi. to receive as guest or lodger, lodge; הִת×ַכסֵן hith. lodge, stay. ×Ö·×›Ö°×¡Ö°× Ö¸×Ö´×™ m. guest, lodger. ×Ö·×›Ö°×¡Ö·× Ö´×™Ö¸×” f. inn, reception as guest or lodger. ×ָכֹף (××›Ö¹×£, ×™Ö¶×Ö±×›Ö¹×£) tr. to compel, force. ×ֻכָּף m. saddle. ×ִכְפָּת intr. concern. ×ִכָּר m. farmer. ×ִכָּרוּת f. farming, agriculture. ×ַכְרָזָה f. proclamation, announcement. ×ַל adv. no, not, – n. nothing, nothingness; מָוֶת – immortality. ×ֶל (suff. ×ֵלַי, ×ֵלֶיךָ) prep. to, at, towards, concerning; × Ö¸×›×•Ö¹×Ÿ – adv. surely, rightly; מֵ×ֵלָיו adv. by itself, by himself. ×ֵל m. God; - pron. these. ×Ö¶×œÖ¼Ö¸× adv. but, only, except. ×Ö¶×œÖ°×’Ö¼Ö¸×‘Ö´×™×©× adv. hail, crystal. ×Ö·×œÖ°×’×•Ö¼×žÖ´×™× s. ×למגי×. ×ָלֹה (×ָלָה, ×™Ö¶×ֱלֶה) tr. to curse, swear, imprecate; ×”Ö·×ֲלֵה hif. to lay under oath. ×ָלָה f. curse, oath. ×ֵלֶּה pron. these. ×ַלָּה f. oak, terebinth, club. ×ֵלָה f. oak, terebinth. ×ֱלֹהַּ or ×ֶלוֹהַּ m. also pl. form ×Ö±×œÖ¹×”Ö´×™× God, Lord; ×”Ö·×ָלֵהַּ hif. idolize, worship. ×ֱלָהוּת f. God, Godhead. ×ֵלוּ pron. f. these. ×ִלּוּ conj. were it, if it werw; ×›Ö¼Ö° – as if. ×ֱלוֹהִי a. godly, of God. ×ֱלוּל m. Elul (name of the sixth month, beginning with Nissan). ×ִלּוּלֵי conj. were it not for. ×ֵלוֹן or ×ַלּוֹן m. oak, terebinth. ×Ö²×œ×•Ö¹× Ö°×˜Ö´×™×ª or ×Ö²×œÖ»× Ö°×˜Ö´×™×ª f. towel, bedsheet. ×ַלוּף m. friend, chief, ox.