#ק ברוך באום
אֹנֶס m. compulsion, necessity, ravishment 
אַנָּס m. robber, highwayman, violent man 
אָנׂף (אָנַף, יֶאֶנַף) intr. to get angry; הִתְאַנֵּף hith. to get excited 
אֲנָפָה f. heron 
אַנְפִּילָה f. felt shoe 
אָנׂק (אָנק יֶאֶנׂק) Intr. & nif. הֵאָנֵק to groan, sigh
אֲנָקָה f. groan, sigh 
אַנְקוֹל m. hook 
אַנְקוֹר m. sparrow 
אֻנְקִיָּה f. ounce 
(אנשׂ) הֵאָנֵשׁ nif. to become dangerously sick 
אֲנָשִׁים .s אִישׁ
אָסוּךְ m. oil flask 
אָסוֹן (pl. אֲסוֹנוֹת) m. misfortune, accident 
אֲסוּפִי a. foundling 
אָסוּר (pl. אֲסוּרִים; f. אֲסוּרָה) a. prohibited, bound, imprisoned; בֵּית אֲסוּרִים prison
אֵסוּר m. band, fetter, imprisonment 
אִסוּר m. prohibition 
אִסטוּמְְכָה f. belly, stomach 
אִסְטְנִיס a. delicate, sensitive 
אִסְטְנִיסוּת f. delicateness, sensitiveness 
אַסיָּה f. Asia
אִסִּי (pl. אִסִּיִּים) m. Essene (Jewish ascetic of a sect existing in the time of the second temple)
אֲסִימוׂן m. uncoined metal, bullion, coin with face rubbed off 
אָסִיף m. harvest time, gathering, gathering time 
אָסִיר (c. אֲסִיר, pl. אֲסִירִים) m. prisoner
אַסְכְּרָה f. croup 
אֵסֶל m. yoke 
אֹסֶם m. field product, plenty 
אָסָם (pl. אֲסָמִים) m. granary
אַסְמַכְתָּא f. support, reliance
אָסֹף (אָסַף, יֶאֱסֹף) tr. to gather, collect, withdraw, destroy; הֵאָסֵף nif. to be gathered, be collected, assemble, die, perish; אַסֵף pi. gather, collect, assemble; אֻסּוֹף pu. be gathered; הִתְאַסֵּף hith. to gather, collect, assemble 
אֹסֶף m. gathering, collection, assembly 
אֲסֵפָה f. gathering, assembly, meeting 
אִסְפַּלָנִית f. plaster, compress 
אֲסַפְסוּף m. mob, multitude, crowd 
אַסְפֶּסֶת f. lucern 
אַסְפַּקְלַרְיָה f. looking glass, reflection 
אַסְפֶּרֶג m. asparagus 
אַסקוּפָה or אַסְקֻפָּה f. threshold 
אָסֹר (אָסַר, יֶאֱסֹר) to bind, tie, harness, imprison, begin (fight), prohibit; הֵאָסֵר nif. to be bound, be arrested, be prohibited; 
אֻסֹר pu. to be bound, be imprisoned
אִסָּר m. prohibition, renunciation, As (Roman coin
אִסְרוּ־חַג m. day after holidays 
אַסְתָּה or אַסּוּתָהf. health, remedy; - interj. your health!
אִסְתּוֹמְכָה f. belly, stomach 
אִסְתְּנִיס s. אסטּניס
אַף (su. אַפִּי; pl. אַפַּיִם) m. nose, anger; עַל - וְעַל חֵמָה – conj. also, indeed, yet; - עַל פִּי (אעפ"י) or - עַל גַּבor – כִּי although, though; 
- עַל פִּי כֵן (אעפי"כ) yet, nevertheless
אָפֹד (אָפַד, יֶאֶפֹד) tr. to gird on, bind about 
אֲפֻדָּה f. girding about, coat, vestcoat, covering 
אַפֶּדֶן m. palace, pavilion 
אָפֹה (אָפָה, יֹאפֶה) sr. to bake; הֵאָפֵה nif. be baked
(א) אפוֹ s. איפוֹא