#ק ברוך ב××•× ×ֵפוֹד m. ephod (garment worn by priests). ×ַפּוֹטְרֹפּוֹס m. administrator, guardian. ×ַפוֹטרֹפּסוּת f. administration, guardianship. ×ָפוּן m. pea. ×ֶפּוֹס m. epos, epic poem. ×ֳפִי (p. ×ֹפִי; su. ×ָפְיִי) m. character, nature. ×ֲפיָּה f. baking. ×ָפיל (pl. ×ֲפִילִי×; f. ×ֲפִילָה) a. tender, unripe, late. ×ֲפִילוּ conj. even, though, also. ×Ö·×¤Ö·Ö¼×™Ö´× (du. & pl. of ×Ö·×£) m. nose, face, twofold. ×ֲפִיסָה or ×ֲפִיסוּת f. ending, exhaustion, failure. ×ֲפִיפִיּוֹר m. pope. ×ָפִיק (pl. ×ֲפִיקִי×; c. ×ֲפִיק) m. depth, bed, torrent; - a. mighty, powerful, firm. ×ֲפִיקוֹמָן m. dessert ×ֶפִּיקוֹרוֹס m. Epicurean, free-thinker, heretic. ×ֶפִּיקוֹרְסוּת f. free-thinking, heresy. (×”) ×Ö´×¤Ö¼Ö°×›Ö¸× adv. on the contrary. (×פל) ×”Ö·×ֲפֵל hif. to darken, delay, be late. ×ֹפֵל m. & ×ֲפֵלָה f. darkness. ×ָפֵל a. dark. ×ֹפֶן (pl. ×Ö¸×¤Ö°× Ö´×™×) m. way, manner; עַל ×Ö¸×¤Ö°× Ö¸×™×• in its way or manner, in its particulars. ×Ö¸×¤Ö°× Ö¸×” f. fashion. ×ָפֹס (×ָפֵס, ×™Ö±×ֱפַס) intr. to finish, end, be exhausted, fail. ×ֶפֶס (su. ×ַפְסִי; pl. ×ֲפָסִי×) m. end, termination, deficiency, zero; - adv. no more, no longer; - prep. besides. ×ַפְסוּת f. nothingness. ×ַפְסָר m. halter. ×ֶפְעֶה m. adder, viper. ×ֶפֹף (×ָפַף, ×™Ö¶×ֶפֹף) tr. to surround, enclose (×פק) הִתְ×ַפֵק hith. to restrain oneself. ×ֹפֶק (pl. ×ֲפָקִי×) m. horizon. ×ֵפֶר m. ashes. ×ָפֹר (pl. ×ֲפוּרִי×; f. ×ֲפוּרָה) a. ash-coloured. ×ֲפֵר m. masque, head-covering. ×ֶפְרֹח m. chick, young bird. ×ַפִּרְיוֹן m. sedan, litter. ×ַפְרִיקָה f. Africa. ×ֲפָרְכֶסֶת f. funnel. ×ֲפרְסמוֹן m. balsamum. ×ֲפַרְְסָק m. peach. ×Öµ×¤Ö¶×©× m. desire, pleasure; ×Ö´×™ ×ֶפְשִ××™ I do not desire. ×ֶפְשָ×ר a. & adv. possible, possibly. ×ַפְשֵ×ר tr. to make possible. ×ֶפש×ָרִי a. possible ×ֶפְש×ָרוּת f. possibility. ×ַפּוֹתִיקִי m. pledge, mortgage, deed. ×ַצּה f. seaweed ×ֶצְבַּע (pl. ×ֶצְבָּעוֹת) f. finger, pointer. ×ֶצְבָּעוֹן m. thimble. ×ִצְטַבָּה f. shelf. ×Ö´×¦Ö°×˜Ö·×’Ö°× Ö´×™×Ÿ m. astrologer. ×Ö´×¦Ö°×˜Ö·×’Ö°× Ö´×™× ×•Ö¼×ª f. astrology. ×Ö´×¦Ö°×˜×•Ö¸× Ö¸×”Ö¼ f. roller, cylinder. ×ִצְטָלָה f. official dress. ×ִצְטְרוּבָּל m. cone, lever. ×ָצִיל (pl. ×ֲצִילִי×) m. nobleman. ×ַצִּיל (pl. ×Ö·×¦Ö´×™×œÖ´×™× & ×ַצִּילוֹת) m. joint of arm, upper arm. ×ֲצִילוּת f. nobility, spirituality, distinction. ×ֵצֶל (suff. ×ֶצְלִי) prep. beside, near, with, at. ×ָצל (×ָצַל, ×™Ö¶×ֱצַל) tr. to separate, divide; take away; ×”Öµ×ָצֵל nif. to be separated, be exalted; ×”Ö·×ֲצֵל hif. to take away, set apart. ×ֶצעָדָה f. bracelet, ankle, chain. ×ָצֹר (×ָצַר, ×™Ö¶×ֱצֹר) tr. to gather, collect, treasure up; ×”Öµ×ֵָצר nif. to be gathered, be treasured up