#ק ×לכס פלדמן ×ֶקְדָּח m. carbuncle, revolver. ×ַקּוֹ m. roe, roe-buck. ×Ö·×§Ö°×œÖ´×™× m. climate. ×Ö·×§Ö°×œÖµ× af. to acclimatize; הִתְ×Ö·×§Ö°×œÖµ× hith. to acclimatize oneself. ×ַר×ל or ×ֶרְ×ֵל, also ×ֲרִ×ֵל or ×ֶרִי×ֵל (pl. ×ֶרְ×ֵלִי×) m. hero, angel. ×ָרֹב (×ָרַב, ×™Ö¶×ֱרֹב) intr. to lurk, lie in wait, ambuscade. ×ֹרֵב m. ambuscade, lurker. ×ֲרֻבָּה f. hole, floodgate, chimney, pigeon house, eye socket. ×ַרְְְבֶּה m. locust. ×ַרְבַּע a. f, four. ×ַרְבָּעָה a. m. four (su. ×ַרְבַּעְתָּ×). ×Ö·×¨Ö°×‘Ö¼Ö¸×¢Ö´×™× a. forty. ×Ö·×¨Ö°×‘Ö¼Ö·×¢Ö°×ªÖ¼Ö·×™Ö´× adv. four times. ×ָרֹג (×ָרַג, ×™Ö¶×ֱרֹג) tr. to weave; ×”Öµ×ָרֵג nif. to be woven. ×ֶרֶג m. web, weaving, shuttle. ×ַרְגָּז m. trunk, chest. ×ַרְגָּמָן & ×ַרְגְּוָן m. purple. ×ַדְרִיכָל m. architect. ×ָרֹה (×ָרָה, ×™Ö¶×ֱרֶה) tr. to gather, pluck. ×ֻרְוָה f. stable. ×ֲרוּכָה f. healing, postponement. ×ָרוֹן (c. ×ֲרוֹן; pl. ×Ö²×¨×•Ö¹× ×•Ö¹×ª) m. ark, case, bier, coffin, sarcophagus. ×ָרוּס m. fiancé. ×ֲרוּסָה or ×ֲרוּסָה f. fiancée. ×ֵרוּסִין m. pl. engagement. ×ָרוּר (pl. ×ֲרוּרִי×; f. ×ֲרוּרָה) a. cursed one. ×ֶרֶז (pl. ×ֲרָזִי×) m. cedar. ×ָרֹז (×ָרַז, ×™Ö¶×ֱרֹז) tr. to pack, bind firmly. ×ֹרֶז m. rice. ×ַרְזְלָה s. ערסל. ×ָרֹחַ (×ָרַח, ×™Ö¶×ֱרַח) intr. to go, wander, travel, ×ָרֵחַ pi. or ×”Ö·×ֲרֵחַ hif. to receive or entertain guests; הִתְ×ָרֵחַ hith. to be a guest. ×ֹרַח (pl. ×ֳרָחוֹת) m. way, custom, habit. ×ֲרֻחָה or ×ֲרוּחָה f. meal. ×ֹרְחָה f. caravan, troop. ×Ö³×¨Ö¸×—Ö´×™× ×•Ö¼×¤Ö¸×¨Ö°×—Ö´×™× m. pl. vagabonds, worthless fellows. ×ֲרִי or ×ַרְיֵה (pl. ×Ö²×¨Ö¸×™Ö´×™× & ×ֲרָיוֹת) m. lion; - הַבַּרְדְּלָס leopard. ×ָרִיג (c. ×ֲרִיג) m. web, cloth. ×ֲרִיגָה f. weaving, web. ×ֲרִיזָה f. packing, binding firmly. ×ָרִיחַ m. tile, row. ×ֲרִיכוּת f. length. ×ֻרְיָן m. scholarship, authority; בַּר - learned person. ×ָרִיס (pl. ×ֲרִיסִי×) m. tenant, field laborer (who gets share of crop). ×ֲרִיסוּת f. tenantry, field work (at share of crop). ×ָרֹךְ (×ָרַךְ, ×™Ö¶×ֱרַךְ) intr. to be long, lengthen, continue; ×”Ö·×ֲרֵךְ hif. to lengthen, prolong; ×”Ö·×ֲרֵךְ ×™Ö¸×žÖ´×™× to live long. ×ָרֹךְ (pl. ×ֲרֻכִּי×; f. ×ֲרֻכָּה) a. long. ×ֹרֶךְ (suff. ×ָרְכִּי) m. length. (×) ×ַרְכָּה f. long time, postponement, extension of time. ×ַרְכּוֹבָה f. knee. ×ַרְכִיוֹן m. archives. ×ַרְכָּן m. long-winded, talker. ×ַרְכּוֹף m. stirrup. ×ַרְמוֹן (pl. ×Ö·×¨Ö°×žÖ¸× ×•Ö¹×ª) m. palace. ×ֹרֶן (pl. ×Ö²×¨×‚× Ö´×™×) m. ash, pine. ×Ö·×¨Ö°× Ö¶×‘Ö¶×ª f. hare. ×Ö·×¨Ö°× ×•Ö¼× Ö¸×” f. crop or farmers' tax. ×Ö·×¨Ö°× Ö¸×§ m. pocketbook. ×ָרֹס (×ָרַס, ×™Ö¶×ֱרֹס) tr. to engage, affiance; ×”×רס nif. to be engaged, be affianced; הִתְ×ָרֵס hith. to engage or affiance oneself.