#ק ברוך באום
בַּלְשָׁנוּת f. linguistcs, philology.
בַּלֶּשֶׁת f. police, reconnoitering troop.
בִּלְתִּי adv. un-, except, only, but; לְבִלְתִּי not to.
בַּמְבּוּק m. bamboo.
בָּמָה f. high place (of sacrifice or worship), height, grave, mound, tomb, stage.
בְּמוֹ prep. within, by, with.
בֵּן (c. בֶּן & בִּן; su. בְּנִי, בִּנְךָ; pl. בָּנִים) m. son, inhabitant of, person aged; - אָדָם son of man, person; - בַּיִת slave, born in the house, constant visitor; - בְּלִי שֵׁם person of low descent; - בְּרִית Jew; - גִּיל person of the same age with; - זוּג mate; - חוֹרִים free person, noble; - חַיִל heroic person; - טוֹבִים person of good descent; בְּנֵי מֵעַיִם entrails; - נֹחַ idolator, stingy; - פְּקוּעָה calf found in womb of slaughtered animal; - שַׁחַר morning star; - תַּרְבּוּת educated, cultured, or polite person, tamed person or animal.
בַּנָּאִי m. builder.
בָּנֹה (בָּנָה, יִבְנֶה) tr. to build, erect, establish; הִבָּנֵה nif. to be built, be erected, be established.
בּניָה f. building, architecture.
בִּנְיָן m. building, form of verb; - אָב standard rule.
בָּסִיס m. basis, foundation.
בָּסֹם (בָּסַם, יִבְסַם) intr. to be joyous, be pleasant; בַּסֵּם pi. to perfume, make fragant; בֻּסּוֹם pu. To be made fragrant, be given flavor to; הִתְבַּסֵּם hith. to be merry, perfume oneself, intoxicate oneself, smile.
בַּסָּם or בַּשָּׂם m. perfumer.
בַּסֵּס pi. to fix firmly, establish, found; בֻּסּוֹס pu. to be fixed firmly, be founded; הִתְבַּסֵּס hith. to be fixed or fix itself firmly.
בֹּסֶר m. unripe fruit.
בֻּסְתָּן m. fruit garden.
בַּעְבּוּעַ m. bubble, blister.
בִּעְבּוּעַ m. bubbling.
בַּעְבֵּעַ red. pi. to bubble, well up, gurgle.
בְּעַד (suff. בַּעֲדִי, בַּעַדְךָ) prep. after, behind, for.
בָּעֹה (בָּעָה, יִבְעֶה) tr. & intr. to bubble, ask, inquire, want, wish; הִבָּעה nif. to become obtruded, swelled out, be sought.
בְּעוּלָה a. f. worried woman.
בֵּעוּר m. cleansing, sweeping away, burning.
בָּעֹט (בָּעָט, יִבְעַט) intr. to kick.
בַּעטָן m. kicker.
בְּעָיָה (c. בַּעְיַת) f. question, problem.
בְּעִיטָה f. kicking, kick.
בְּעִילָה f. sexual intercourse, cohabitation.
בְּעִיר m. cattle, beast of burden.
בָּעֹל (בָּעַל, יִבְעַל) tr. to possess, govern, marry, cohabit with, have sexual intercourse with; הִבָּעֵל nif. to be married, have sexual intercourse.
בַּעַל (su. בַּעֲלִי; pl. בְּעָלִים) m. husband, lord, master, owner, Baal; שְׂדֵה - field naturally watered; - אֶגְרוֹף bully, powerful person; - בְּרִית ally; - בָּשָׂר stout person; - דָּבָר opponent, Satan; - דְּבָרִים quarrelsome person, opponent, creditor; - דִּין opponent; - זְרוֹעַ bully, powerful person; - חוֹב debtor, creditor; - חַיִּים living creature; - לָשׁוֹן slanderer, linguist, talker; - מַחֲלֹקֶת quarrelsome person; - נֶפֶשׁ intellectual person, man of spirit; - צוּרָה or - מַרְאֶה fine looking or honorable person; - קוֹמָה tall person; - שֵׁם miracle worker; - שֵׁם טוֹב Baal Shem Tob (name of the founder of Hasidism); - תַּכְלִית person looking for aim in life, materialist; - תְּשׁוּבָה repenter.